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Returns on Greensboro Real Estate – What You Can Expect

Building a good investment portfolio requires diversity!  This is likely to be the first piece of advice anyone new to the market will hear. Diversify! While you can forge into the investment world on your own, it is wise to turn to the mentors in your life for input. You may instead wish to seek … Continued

How Current Events Are Impacting Home Sellers in Greensboro

We’re living in a crazy time! Learn how current events are impacting home buyers and sellers in Greensboro and what you can do to sell your house as quickly as possible! At the time of this writing, we are still dealing with the effects of COVID-19. This pandemic has changed how things are done across … Continued

4 Hidden Expenses Of Owning The Wrong House In Greensboro

Purchasing a house is a huge commitment. There are a lot of factors that go into the process of finding a new one. You’ve selected a house in Greensboro with the must-haves and might have made some compromises, but how do you know you’ve made the right choice? When you pull into your driveway, do … Continued

6 Reasons Why You Should Downsize Your House in Greensboro

You often hear of downsizing when the kids move out of the house and mom and dad find a smaller house with fewer rooms. Maybe you could benefit from downsizing? Here are 5 reasons why you should downsize your house in Greensboro. Pay Off Debts If you downsize your house in Greensboro, you could pay … Continued

5 Tips For Downsizing Your House In Greensboro

Moving is stressful for many people, but downsizing your house is a great way to save money and save it or invest it into something else. Here are 5 tips for downsizing your house in Greensboro.  Use a Tape Measure The first tip to downsizing your house is to make sure the furniture you want … Continued
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